Thursday, April 30, 2009

Display for Arts & Craft Shows

I will be at First Friday in Vernonia, OR this weekend showing off my dog collars and hopefully selling a few. You can find me in the Scout Cabin in downtown Vernonia.
Here is the new DogGoneKnitting display booth. I didn't have my astroturf table cover yet (Patrick is working on that), but isn't it cute? When I am at the show I will sort through the collars so only 1 of each kind is hung up... this is all of them though. Aren't their little tags cute? Molly Lee makes them for me. (I only have to buy her lunch... so wonderful to have such great friends!)

1 comment:

Molly said...

Wow! That is totally, totally cute! I want to eat up your display with a spoon, it's so adorable!

Nicely done....

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