Thursday, January 24, 2008

Home Remodeling

OK, so it isn't perhaps the most obvious topic to start off a blog about knitting and dogs, but Patrick and I have been remodeling our 2 back bedrooms in preparation for a visit from my mom in a week (yay!). Remodeling really sucks. It is hard work, takes up all your time, and makes you grumpy at spouse, dogs, and the people at home depot. Not that the aforementioned people aren't great, but the spouse came up with this idea, the dogs are either perpetually whining from whatever room they have been quarantined to or are getting into whatever place or item you most wish they wouldn't, and those darn friendly home depot people were just way to encouraging.

Now though, hurray, we are nearing completion and I have told Patrick that by Saturday morning we need to have all the tools put away, furniture where it belongs, and dust settled so that I can do some serious pre-Mom cleaning. Honestly, the woman will only be in our house for about a total of 20 hours and half that time she will be sleeping, but my mom grew up under the wing of my grandmother. Grandma is someone who can stand at a kitchen counter for hours with a sponge scrubbing at what to us mere mortals appears to be a perfectly clean counter. Mom isn't exactly that bad, but seriously, the women in my family, myself excluded, make Martha Stewart look like a bag lady. I live in constant fear that my family will one day discover that I quite often leave dirty dishes overnight... sometimes longer. Did I mention that I live over 2,000 miles from my nearest relation?

So now that I have established that I hate to clean and am somewhat nuts lets get down to something more interesting. I have been working on several knitting projects. I knit Patrick a pair of socks. They are very plain and brown, but the idea was to get them done fast so they could be worn around the house to keep his feet warm. The other project that is almost finished is a round bag that I am thinking of giving to my mom. I had been looking for something quick and circular to knit because I got these great options knitting needles from Knit Picks for Christmas. I will post some pictures later on. Right now I am just too pooped! I am sure you aren't, but if you are desperate you can always check me out on Ravelry where I am known as DogGoneKnitting.

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