Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I found this cool site today (I think I may have found it on one of my blogger friends sites, but I couldn't remember... I am such a bad little internet-surfer!). It is called Postcrossing and it is a site that allows users to send postcards to people and recieve postcards from others around the globe in return. I think it is really wonderful. I have 5 addresses that I plan to carefully go out and select postcards for and get sent off right away. I love technology that brings people together rather than isolates them further.

Patrick thought it was quite the joke and his response was "why do you want postcards?" Well, I do love postcards, but even more so I like the idea of someone in another part of the world thinking about what I might like, maybe writing me a nice note or just saying "Hi". It is sort of like getting a present from a friend.

Anyhow, it is something different so check it out!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Crafty Wonderland Next Week!!

I will be selling my wares at Crafty Wonderland Sunday, July 13th. This monthly event takes place at the Doug Fir Lounge, 830 E. Burnside, Portland, OR. If you are in town be sure to check it out! The arts and crafts show goes from 11AM-4PM and is free to the public.

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